In a modern operating system, the left-click (or left mouse button) selects and opens items, and the right-click (or right-mouse button) is used to activate the context menu or object options. For people finding it difficult to move their fingers individually on one hand, or if their pointing device only has a single button, they can simulate right-clicks by holding down the left mouse button. When this is enabled, simply hold down the left mouse button where you would normally right-click, then release will perform right-click actions. The pointer fills with a different color as you hold down the left mouse button. Below is how to enable or disable Simulated Secondary Click in Ubuntu Linux.

How to simulate right-click with the left mouse button in Ubuntu Linux

As mentioned above, for people finding it difficult to move their fingers individually on one hand, or if their pointing device only has a single button, they can simulate right-clicks by holding down the left mouse button. Below is how to enable or disable in Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu Linux has a centralized location for the majority of its settings. From system configurations to creating new users and updating, all can be done from the System Settings panel. Alternatively, click on the System menu at the top-right corner of the top bar on your desktop. On the System menu, select Settings as highlighted below. In the Settings app, click on the Accessibility tile to open the panel. In the System Settings -> Accessibility panel, under Pointing & Clicking, select Click Assist tile to expand. On the Click Assist pop-up window, toggle the Simulated Secondary Click switch to the On position to enable. To disable it, toggle the switch back to the Off position. You can change how long you must hold down the left mouse button before it is registered as a right click by changing the Acceptance delay. That should do it! You can now close the Settings app. Conclusion: This post showed you how to enable or disable Simulated Secondary Click in Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.