Crafter CMS is a truly modern open-source content management platform written and based on Java. It allows anyone to build enterprise-class websites for any purpose. The Community edition is free and licensed under the GPLv3 open-source license. Whether you’re creating a personal or business website, Crafter CMS can help you create and manage your content on every device with its intuitive and powerful admin dashboard… For more about Crafter CMS, please visit its homepage.

How to install Crafter CMS on Ubuntu Linux

As described above, Crafter CMS is a truly modern open-source content management platform written and based on Java. It allows anyone to build enterprise-class websites for any purpose. Below is how to install it on Ubuntu Linux.

Add A Third-Party PPA to Ubuntu

The easiest way to install Oracle Java JDK 8 on Ubuntu is via a third-party PPA. To add that PPA, run the commands below After running the commands above, you should see a prompt to accept the PPA key onto Ubuntu. accept and continue Continue below to install Java 8.

Download Oracle Java 8 Installer

Now that the PPA repository has been added to Ubuntu, run the commands below to download Oracle Java 8 installer. the installer should install the latest Java JDK 8 on your Ubuntu machines. When you run the commands above you’ll be prompted to access the license terms of the software. accept and continue.

Configure Oracle JDK8 as Default

Set Oracle JDK8 as default, to do that, install the oracle-java8-set-default package. This will automatically set the JAVA env variable. The command above will automatically set Java 8 as the default. and that should complete your installation, you can check your java version by running the following command.

Download and Install Crafter CMS

Now that Java is installed, run the commands below to download Crafter CMS packages. The zip file will install a fully functional Crafter Studio instance and a Crafter Engine in Preview Mode. Out of the box, the Studio instance uses a local directory as the repository and a Derby database, which allows a quick and easy setup for local development. After downloading the file, run the commands below to extract the downloaded file. After extracting the archived file, run the commands below to move the Crafter folder to the /opt directory. Next, install the required package and startup the Crafter service. Finally, run the commands below to start the Crafter service. To shut down the service, run the commands below When the service is started, open your browser and browse to the hostname or IP address followed by port 8080 This will bring up the Crafter CMS login page. Username: admin Password: admin Enjoy! You may also like the post below: