Notepadqq is a simple yet powerful code and text editor with support for over 100 languages. Just like Notepad++, this open-source editor is designed by developers for developers and supports multiple themes. If you like a dark theme or a light one, you’ll find your favorite color scheme. if you’re looking for a Linux alternative to Notepad++ for Ubuntu, then install this tool. This brief tutorial is going to show students and new users how to install Notepadqq on Ubuntu 16.04 / 17.10 and 18.04 with its release in April of the year.

Add Notepadqq PPA Repository

Before installing Notepadqq, you’ll want to add its PPA repository on Ubuntu. To do that, run the commands below When you run the commands above, you will be prompted to accept and install the repository key. accept and continue

Install Notepadqq

Now that the repository is installed, run the commands to install Notepadqq The commands below should install the tool on Ubuntu and be ready to use. Go to Ubuntu dash and search for Notepadqq, then select and launch it. and begin editing your codes.

Remove or Uninstall Notepadqq

If you decide that you no longer want to use this tool, you can run the commands below to remove it. Then run the commands below to remove its repository from Ubuntu Enjoy!