At a higher level of implementation, it can also provide high availability via Redis Sentinel including monitoring, notifications automatic failover, and partitioning across multiple Redis nodes. If you want to speed up your dynamic applications or websites, using Redis to cache and return frequently requested items may help. Redis is commonly implemented with WordPress, Drupal, and other PHP-based dynamic web applications. Also, for students and new users learning Linux, the easiest place to start learning is Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu is the modern, open-source Linux operating system for desktops, servers, and other devices. Ubuntu is a great Linux operating system for beginners. To get started installing Redis on Ubuntu Linux, follow the steps below.

How to install Redis on Ubuntu Linux

This post assumes that your account on the server is capable of running with administrative privileges. That means you can run the sudo process. Redis is available in Ubuntu’s default repositories. However, the version that comes with Ubuntu might not necessarily be the latest. If you need to install Redis’s latest version, then add its repository and install it from there. Installing Redis on Ubuntu is pretty straightforward. Simply run the commands below to install it on Ubuntu Linux. After running the above commands, the Redis server should be installed and ready to use. The commands below can be used to stop, start and enable Redis Server to automatically start up every time the system boots up. To verify if the server is running, run the commands below That should display the status of the Redis Server service: This is how you know Redis is running

How to configure Redis on Ubuntu Linux

Now that the server is installed and verified, use the steps below to configure remote login and adjust the Ubuntu firewall. By default, Redis doesn’t allow access from remote locations ( access from different servers/clients). All-access is restricted to the local host of the server it is installed on. ( example: In most environments, Redis Server and the applications it supports are running on a single server. In this situation, no remote access is necessary, since all the communications are done on a single host computer. However, if both the Redis server and applications using it are on separate hosts, then remote access will be required. To allow remote access, open the Redis configuration file by running the commands below: Then change the highlighted line as shown below. replacing with all zeros ( ) or restricting access to a specific host IP that will need access to Redis. Save the file and exit. After making the changes to the file, restart the Redis service. Verify that Redis is listening for all connections on by running the commands below: You should get an output as shown below: If you’re also running an Ubuntu firewall, simply add the policy below to allow all hosts on your subnet ( ) access to the Redis server and port number. That should do it. To test if Redis hosted on IP address is responding to remote hosts. type the commands below from the remote server. The Redis server should respond with a pong If you receive a correct reply, then all is done. Conclusion: This post showed you how to install Redis on Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error or have something to add, please use the comment form below.