Sensu Go is the latest version of Sensu. It is a free, cross-platform, open-source monitoring tool that anyone can use to monitor systems and applications’ health. Sensu Go has three primary components: Sensu backend is powered by an embedded transport and etcd datastore and is responsible for automating workflows to route metrics and alerts. Sensu Agent is a lightweight client that runs on infrastructure components that you want to monitor. Sensuctl is a command-line tool for managing resources within Sensu. If you’re looking for a robust monitoring tool to monitor your environment and replace your legacy software, Sensu should be a great place to start. To get started with installing Sensu, follow the steps below:

Prepare Ubuntu

To install Sensu Go, you’ll need some packages to get it going. To do that, run the commands below:

Install Sensu backend

To install the Sensu backend, you’ll need to add its repository to Ubuntu since it’s not included in the default repositories. The repository can quickly be added to Ubuntu by downloading the script and running it below: Once the script is downloaded and executed, you can go and begin installing Sensu packages. Run the commands below to install the Sensu backend. After installing, go and download the configuration file in its default configure directory. Once installed, you can then start and enable the service to automatically start up when the server boots. To check and verify that it’s installed and running, run the commands below: You should see a similar message as shown below:

Access Sensu Web UI

Now that Sensu is installed, you’ll want to create an admin credential to be able to access its web UI. To do that, run the commands below from the commands line That should allow you to create an admin username and password. After creating the cred above, go to the server hostname or IP address followed by port 3000. Login with the credential you created above. Begin configuring your environment. Sensu backend should be installed and ready to use.

Install Sensuctl

To install the Sensu command line management tool, run the commands below: If you didn’t add the repository above, run it below to add it. Next, run the commands below to install Sensuctl. That should do it! Configure Sensuctl by running the commands below: Provide the same credential you created above when prompted.

Install Sensu Go Agent

To monitor the Sensu server, you’ll need to install its agent and start the service. Run the commands below to install Sensu go agent. Then place the agent config file in the default directory. Now start the server and go back to the backend UI to see some server stats. That should do it. For more configuration like sending alerts and emails, you’ll need to visit the Sensu documentation site. Conclusion: This post showed you how to install Sensu on Ubuntu 20.04 | 18.04. If you find any error above, please use the comment form below to report.